Our Agents’ Fun Facts

Posted on November 1, 2022

Kathy Park

I adopt rescue pups, The mom is Sabrina and the puppy is Sam (Samantha) because my husband loves Bewitched.

Cal Sirkin

I won a bronze medal in a slalom ski race in Chamonix France in 2001 during the largest annual international ski event.

Ashley Holt

I’ve written 3 children’s books.

Erin Rutledge

I played college tennis for Auburn.

Frances Richardson

I went bungee jumping on one of the world’s highest bungee jumps in South Africa.

Heather Anthony

I read the Wall Street Journal every morning from beginning to end.

Jane Huston Crommelin

I have a sunfish named Showtime.

Lauren Weil

I was the high school Homecoming Queen.

Lucia Plosser

I played D1 Soccer in college.

Lucy Parker

I enjoy bird hunting with my dogs, Riley, Rozz & Nelli.

Margaret Ann

I grew up on a plantation & working farm.

Kathryn Dorlon

I have my sailing license & have sailed a 105’schooner around the Caribbean.

Betsy Dreher

My real estate license # is 625. I got my license in 1973!

Mary Harmon

I could eat peanut butter for every meal.

Mary Ansley Smalley

My husband asked me out on our first date from Istanbul, Turkey.

Kelley Caine

I have participated in a sweat lodge in South Dakota.

Lynn Creighton

I met my husband at Emmett O’Neal Library when we were in high school.

Ann Thomas

I was born in San Juan Puerto Rico.

Liz Deiters

I was the high school mascot.

Christen Bond

I love to cook from scratch and grow my own food.

Rebecca Crowther

I like to drink milkshakes in the shower so I don’t get cold.


I know sign language. Also I scored the winning touchdown in the sorority flag football championship back in the 1980’s on Bear Bryant’s field.

Robin Kidd

In the 1980’s at Louie Louie’s , a friend and I convinced Willie Perry aka Birmingham’s Batman to give us a ride in the Batmobile.

Derek Littlefield

I am the voice of the conductor on the Hunger Games rollercoaster at the Motiongate Theme Park in Dubai.

Katie Crommelin

The first vehicle I drove was a tractor.

Glenda McPherson

I went Ziplining in Costa Rica at the age of 72.

Carly Hines

I swam with whale sharks in Mexico.

Sanderlin Holmes

I like dog kisses.

Leonard Gray

I completed 1200 push ups in 60 minutes.

Hill Weathers

I went paragliding off a mountain in Austria and when I reached the ground I landed on a wasp. I am allergic to wasps.

Henry Ray

I spoke to the Pope with my hand touching his robe at the Vatican in 1969.

Buffy Allen

I can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order in less than a minute.

Mary Evans

I once saved a nest of an endangered species of woodpeckers in Alabama.

Ray Ervin

I wrote a song that charted in the Top 5 of the Billboard Music Charts.

Barbara Sandner

I have my own personal sabre for sabering the champagne bottle every New Years Eve.

Sherry Best

My nickname is Queen Bee.

Tracy Patton

I had a motorcycle in Junior High so that my parents didn’t have to drive carpool.

Garner Thompson

I worked at a law firm for 6 years and proclaimed I would never marry an attorney. I married a journalist who then decided to be an attorney.

Betsy Reamer

I ran the NYC marathon in 2011.

Shelley Clark

I saw Janis Joplin in Atlanta in 1970.

Margaret Camp

I have visited all 50 States.

Jake Callahan

I am the baby of 7 children raised by a single parent.

Susannah Camp

I am a triplet, and we are the 2nd set of registered triplets in the state of Alabama.

Betsy French

I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.

Katherine Littrell

I once bungee jumped off a crane.

Leigh Ann Gilbert

I saved a girl’s life in California when I was 21.

Mike McCraney

I once had dinner with Elizabeth Taylor and John Warner.

Lauren Branch

I am missing the tail of my spine.

Toody Sullivan

I used to stand on the dining room table and sing Tutti Frutti.

Stephanie Kelly

I have an uncanny ability to remember number sequences—phone numbers, license plates, credit card numbers etc.

Matt Robinson

I have 7 God children.

Steve Todd

I have had dogs all of my life, but our last five dogs have all been named Tuffy!

Bridget Sikora

I worked for a former President of the United States.

Mary Roebuck

I love chocolate in any form.

Blair Moss

I love to needlepoint.

Mary Kay Klyce

I often think back about how times have changed since my over 40 year ago real estate career began. Listings were published in the classifieds in Sunday’s Bham News. Only way to find out about a property was to telephone the agent. Price or address of the property was often left out in the classifieds making it necessary to talk to the listing agent to get info. Then later came the “book” of listings which was published every two weeks, so not too current! Next came the internet, thank goodness, but one still had to get to a computer to access the info. Now iPhones, laptops, or iPads not only access listing info, but make it possible to start and complete a transaction without ever leaving home! Yes, times have certainly changed.